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Showing posts from June, 2020

Top 10 Business Ideas |

There are 'n' numbers of business around the globe. Here are the list of 10 business which can always be profitable and also give you better returns on your investment. 😉 (1)   Restaurant.           Restaurant business is one of the most successful business ideas. Healthy and tasty food is need for everyone. If you are passionate about food and ready to serve healthy and yummy food you can start this business. Theme based restaurant e.g Jungle based theme, Kathiyawadi theme is more popular today if you have additional capital you can think of making theme based restaurant. Why Restaurant business is successful business idea? Due to busy lifestyle, people don’t find time to cook food at home and we even see many people prefer eating in restaurant frequently. This is the reason why restaurant business is most successful business idea today. (2)   Recruitment Firm.           Starting recruitment firm is re...

The 'P' Structure | Business Structure |

It is very important for any business or start-up to understand their market. Why they are doing? What is the final goal? i.e. either for paisa, power, position and prestige or for all of them or something else. You must know to whom you are going to transact your business. In P structure, we are going to know about 4 fundamental factors for which any business runs/operates. We will also learn about players involved in market. If you want that your business/enterprise/start-up gets success than you need to deal with all of them. THE “P” STRUCTURE. “P” Structure includes two Factors (A) Motivational Factor for doing Business. It refers to that factor which is necessary for all. This things are basic desires and demands of any individual. (B) Players involved in Business Structure.   It refers to that factors on which business is wholly depends. Without this factors business is nothing. (A) MOTIVATIONAL FACTOR Paisa.  Paisa needed because money is an inevitable necessity of life...

Before you Start-up | Prime Factors of Starting-up |

As I discussed in previous blog, globally there are 259200(approx) startups are establishes in every single day. Such a huge number!! As you might be knowing that, there are very few startups or businesses which remains consistant in their activities including maintaining goodwill, suffecient revenues, market capitalisation and so on and so forth. Remaining most of startups sell-off themselves or get merged with another similar business(to servive themselves in market to pay-off their liabilities) or some of the business/startups are takenover by big reputed companies and becomes a part of their operations. But, have you ever thought that why only few businessess get that much success? Today, In this blog, I am going to discuss the few key factors which plays important role in any startups or business unit. Before we jump on those key factors let's understand what does a startup or business means? Business   " A business is defined as an organization or enterprising entity eng...

Keys to Success |

What does Success means to you? A mere positive results of all your efforts? or stake of mind? or just a thought? There are always 2 aspects of success a) Self Image What you think about yourselves. How much you believe in yourself.  If you Want to Bring any kind of change I think the first thing you have to work on is your Internal Self Image. b) Mind-Body Connection. When your mind and body is Connected whatever You are thinking is actually going to Manifest in Your Life. "Everything was nothing but an idea in the mind of some individual. It started with the idea in the Mind and after that the mind we know made it into a reality." The Three Keys of Success 1st Key (A) Adapt your Self Image  Reason of Confusion :- Comparison in mind regarding our past & future in Present Situation.  Example:- Mind is like a Monkey. Control your Mind and Be in Present [The Secreat of Will Power] 2nd Key (B) Be in the Now You have to be in present only. You should not think about what ...

Some interesting facts you should know about startups | Startup Fundamental | Startup Series |

Here's quite interesting fact you should know about... 3 in 1 second.! 11,000 in 1 hour..!! 2,59,200 in 1 day...!!! Let me ellabourate,           I am talking about start-Ups. Globally, 3 Start-Ups are launched in 1 Second, 11000 Start-Ups in 1 hour and these becomes 259200 Start-Ups a day. "259200 a day..!" that's a huge number. talk Let's get deep inside ! If we look gender wise than, 72% of founders/co-founders are male. 28% of founders/co-founders are female. If we differentiate by age group than, Age group between 18 years to 29 years, 4%(approximately) people are founders. Age group between 30 years to 39 years, 14%(approximately) people are founders. Age group between 40 years to 49 years, 25%(approximately) people are founders. Age group between 50 years to 59 years, 35%(approximately) people are founders. Age group between 60 years to 69 years, 18%(approximately) people are founders. Af...

Change Management in Indian Context | Indian Management |

"In western world, Change management means 'A' replacing 'B', 'B' replacing 'C'. But in Indian context, " 'A' + 'B' + 'C' " is a change management." Change Management Elaborating ahead...!!! You see when people talk about change. One of the things really noticed is, we always talk about change as replacement. So, version 1 is replaced by version 2, a better software comes and old software discarded. This works in a homogeneous ecosystem. But, the reality of society is, we are heterogeneous. The world is diverse. For some people need version 1, and for some people need version 2. Different people need different software. So, we(as Indian concept of change management) don't think in terms of replacing a book, it is about building a bookshelf.   So, the one of the biggest lessons I learned is people think of change as replacing a book with a better book.  Indian way of changing is build a bookshelf. Add books ...

Why can't government print more money to make everyone rich? | RBI's Money Printing Process |

कैसा हो अगर मैं आपसे कहूँ की 2000/- के असली नोटों गड्डी में आपको दे दूंगा 20/- रुपये किलो।  कभी आपने सोचा है?  RBI और Government of India के पास Rights है, की वो जितना पैसा चाहे उतना पैसा चाप सकते है। फिर भी ये लोग limited amount में पैसा क्यों छापते है?  क्यों पैसे छाप-छापकर लोगों को अमीर नही बना देते ? मैं आपको ये बताऊँ की limited amount में currency क्यों छापी जाती है? उसके पहले हम ये समझते है, की currency क्या होती है? Currency एक सर्वमान्य माध्यम(medium) है, किसी भी चीज़ को अदला बदली करने का।     India में जो currency चलती है, इसकी value तभी है, जब इसके बदले में हमें सामान(goods/services) मिले।   कहने का मतलब ये है, की हमारे पास जो currency/note है, अगर उसके बदले हम कुछ खरीद ही नही पाएंगे तो हमारे पास लाखो करोड़ो रुपये होने का कोई फायदा नही होगा।   पहले क्या होता था, की मेरे पास Rice है आपके पास Milk है। मुझे Milk चहिये और आपको Rice चहिये। तो हम दोनों  अदला-बदली कर लेते थे। Milk देकर Rice ले लेते थे। लेकिन,  उसके बाद currenc...