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Top 10 Business Ideas |

There are 'n' numbers of business around the globe. Here are the list of 10 business which can always be profitable and also give you better returns on your investment. 😉

(1)   Restaurant.

          Restaurant business is one of the most successful business ideas. Healthy and tasty food is need for everyone. If you are passionate about food and ready to serve healthy and yummy food you can start this business.

Theme based restaurant e.g Jungle based theme, Kathiyawadi theme is more popular today if you have additional capital you can think of making theme based restaurant.

Why Restaurant business is successful business idea?

Due to busy lifestyle, people don’t find time to cook food at home and we even see many people prefer eating in restaurant frequently. This is the reason why restaurant business is most successful business idea today.

(2)   Recruitment Firm.

          Starting recruitment firm is really good business idea. Recruitment firm does not require huge investment. You just need small office space and few contact to start with.

Why Recruitment Firm business is successful business idea?

Unemployment ratio is increasing and recruitment firm is in huge demand. Every student and professional requires good job and every company require good productive candidate. To get good job and good candidate they are ready to take paid/commission base services from recruitment firm.

(3)   Custom Make Gift Store.

          Gift store of customize gift is another good business idea to start with. This idea is low investment business idea as you don’t need even office space you can start this business from your home.

Why Custom make Gift store business is successful business idea?

We have trend to give gift on every occasion & festival. Gone are days where people use to give card or traditional gift, today’s trend is to give customized gift as it attracts more attention thus we feel custom make gift store can be good business idea.

(4)   Wedding Planning and Catering.

          If you are creative in nature and able to manage multiple tasks at same time you can plan to enter in wedding planning & catering business. This is quite challenging business as it requires skill and management ability.

Why Wedding Planning and Catering business is successful business idea?

Marriage is one in lifetime opportunity and people are ready to spend lot of money to make this event successful and memorable.

With your skill and ability you can touch sky in this business.

(5)   Education /  Coaching Classes.

          Education or coaching class is indeed good business idea. You need small space and skill to start this business.

Why Education/Coaching class business is successful business idea?

Today level of education has become high and every parent wants his/her child to stand first. They prefer to place child in to good coaching class thus we see multiple successful coaching classes today.

(6)   Namkeens and Nasta Shop.

          You may find this business idea slight odd but believe me this is really good business idea. You just need small shop and good nasta maker team that’s it you can earn huge money.

Why Namkeen shop business is successful business idea?

Today we find many working woman & they find very less time at home. Instead of making nasta at home they prefer to bring readymade nasta . If you are very good as namkeen/nasta maker you can easily make good amount of profit.

(7)   Tour / Travel Planner.

          Tour or travel planner is another great business idea. This business requires good geographical knowledge and lot of contacts. In order to get sure success you can even tie up with online website like etc.

Why Tour / Travel Planner business is successful business idea?

According to recent survey Indian goes on maximum business trip every year. Not only that during every vacation (Diwali, Summer, Christmas etc) people prefer to enjoy holiday by visiting distinct places and hill stations. Thus we see huge potential in tour & travel planner business.

(8)   Smartphone Sale and Repair.

          Smartphone sale and repair is good business idea. In order to start smartphone sale and repair business you need skill and capital.

Why Smartphone sale and repair business is successful business idea?

Mobile phone business is growing in exponentially.  Every common man today prefer smart phone. This increasing smartphone usage offers good business opportunity for sale and repair of smartphones.

(9)   Event Management.

          Event Management companies are the perfect small business idea for anyone interested in helping other companies and individuals to plan and manage big events. This business requires planning and management ability.

Why Event Management business is successful business idea?

There’s definitely a need in the industry for event management as companies constantly host events to market products and services. In order to make this event successful they often take services from professional event management companies.

(10)   Consultancy and Contracting.

          Last but not least consultancy and contracting is very good and successful business idea. This business requires expertise and domain knowledge. This business requires very less business capital.

Why Consultancy and Contracting business is successful business idea?

There’s a growing need for consultants & contractor in all fields including engineering, marketing, and scientific industries. Big companies are even ready to offer very lucrative payment for good consultants and contractors.



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